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Food fads and diets are going way too far

Last week I walked into our office lunch room and saw a fellow employee eating what looked to be either cattle feed or one hideous looking salad.

Last week I walked into our office lunch room and saw a fellow employee eating what looked to be either cattle feed or one hideous looking salad.

When she told me it was kale and brussel sprouts I am sure the look one my face was one of complete horror.

Kale? I used that to decorate the salad bar at Bonanza when I was in high school! I surely do not remember anyone walking by saying, ‘That looks appetizing’ and putting it on their plate — let alone eating it!

That is it. These diet fads and foods have simply gone too far. When “health experts” have convinced people to eat weeds and tree bark it is time to put one’s fork down.

If I have to prepare a meal using a whipper-snipper and hedge clippers I am dining out.

To be honest, I am particular about what I eat because I know a healthy diet is crucial.

However, I am not one to get caught up in these crazy diets mainly because they are disgusting, rarely work and I bore witness to their collateral damage.

Growing up I always felt sorry for my dad as my mom used him as a guinea pig when it came to any wild and weird diet that came across The Alan Thicke Show.

I remember my dad sourly eating grapefruit day after day after day.

Then came the cabbage diet where all he was able to eat was cabbage soup. He spent a lot of time in the bathroom during that period. I do not know if he was hiding from mom or if there were other issues. Although, I did find a lot of wrappers from my Halloween candy under his bathroom sink.

Then I remember the hippie diet. I do not know if it has a more scientific name, but I just remember a lot of granola, grass and weird stuff on his plate.

All of these diets had one thing in common — they didn’t work and they made him as approachable as a bear after hibernation.

Besides, he was a heck of a lot happier when his diet consisted of barbecue and Mr. Bigs not lima beans and carob cubes.

Although fad diets were as much a part of the 1980s as stonewashed jeans and glitter gloves, they remain a substantial part of our lexicon today and are a multi-billion-dollar business.

Whether its acai berries, pomegranates, matcha, organic this and that or weight loss pills we are inundated with the latest “scientific breakthroughs” when it comes to maintaining our weight.

There is not a magic medicine to help anyone lose weight. It is a combination of things such as regular exercise (walking to the vending machine does not count) and eating smart.

When you think you have to buy your groceries at the United Farmers feed store it is time to reevaluate your dinner decision.

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